Here are my helpful tips for new moms and essential buys that can help make life easier as a mom. These are the best baby products I couldn’t live without
Product no1. Mountain Buggy nano buggy
This world class stroller from @mountain_buggy (The Nano) is perfect for traveling. It's under 6kg, very versatile with a great set of wheels which makes it easy to turn & stroll. The Nano stroller even has a handle and bag when folded up which makes it very easy to transport & carry.
The Nano folded up
Product No3. Rockit Rocker
This has been such a game changer and given me at least an extra half hour of me time when I really need him to settle down. It vibrates the stroller so that the baby thinks he/she is still being moved and rocked. He loveees it and every time falls back to sleep. When he has one of his fussy nights I often put him in his stroller and let the rocket help me out. It has also been super helpful for when I want to get a 30min quick work out in hehe.
Product no.3: The Ergo baby carrier.
I have my independence back with this little number. I can now cook and clean the house whilst my little bundle is attached very safely to me. This carrier really supports his head to so he is always comfortable and secure. It is so secure that I also designed some exercises you can do with the baby in the carrier. It’s such a fun but challenging work out which is worry and stress free because your baby is right there snuggled with you so when they are having their fussier days you can still get your sweat on ;). Cari fit also have online workouts that you can try out. Click HERE to check out the workout and HERE for the carrier.
Product no.3 Dockatot
Kyrie is in love with his snuggly Dockatot. I love that I can have him safe and happy in which ever room I am in. He was in the NICU for 2 weeks so I think for him it gives him that security of the close environment that they make for them in there. We wish that this could be his basinet as our nights would be a lot more pleasant hehe.
Product no.4 :4moms swing chair
I love this chair as it has 5 speeds so when he was very little, he loved the lowest speed and now he is 4 months he loves the fastest speed. It also has bluetooth so you can play music to them which helps a lot if you need a break from rocking them to sleep. Not only does it have different speeds it has different movements which is great, depending on what mood they are in. The main thing which I love is he is a happy baby for at least an hour in it which gives me the freedom to get stuff done – which you know is difficult to do as a new mom!
Product no.5: Owlet Care
This gives you great piece of mind a allows you to get much needed rest without constantly worrying all night about your babies breathing. Rather than having to get out of bed to check on them you can just look at the green light to ease your mind. It is especially handy for parents that have had their baby in the NICU after birth that need that extra reassurance like we did.
My baby essentials
Kyrie Jayden wearing the Carters sleep suit
Carters sleep suits : I cannot rave about these more. They are super soft, wash really well, have the cutest patterns and super affordable. The main thing I love about these sleep suits is that they are incredibly easy to get on and off which are fabulous for midnight changes. You just simply zip them up and down and they have poppers at the top so the zip doesn’t catch their skin. Carters often have offers like 2 for $14, so if there was one thing I would highly recommend to any first time mom are these cute sleep suits.
Muslin Cloths : Every baby spits up and the worst thing is to be out and about without one. Our baby has acid reflux too so we go through at least 3 a day ;p. I love the as they are so soft on their face and just make sure to wash them with baby clothes wash so that they don’t get any rashes on their skin.
AD cream : Magic cream is my new name for this stuff. Kyrie has never had nappy rash and I put it all down to this amazing cream. I even use it on my C- section scare, rashes and dry skin and has helped so so much. You can read about how it is helping my recovery HERE.
Soothie pacifiers and clip: Now you might start off with good intentions of not using a paci ;p. Reality is its a life saver at the start. And these smoothies are amazing because they calm him down and when he was very young you put your finger through the centre and he sucks on it. It really helped us as he was in the NICU for two weeks after birth and for me to sooth him when he was lying in the incubator i would put my finger through it and it would send him to sleep. At 6 months I will start the process of weaning him off but for the mean time me and my husband can enjoy the magic of the smoothie hehe. The pacifier clip will save your back and mummy brain. As babies love to play a game of “as soon as mummy puts the dummy back in I will spit it back out” the clip makes sure it never gets lost or fall on a dirty floor.
I really hope this blog has helped my new mama readers and mamas to be out there get prepared. Remember each pregnancy and recovery is different so follow your own journey and what your body can handle. It is not good to compare, it will only make you disheartened and unmotivated. Set your own realistic goals, stay healthy and active and you will rock it ;).
Thank you for reading xXx
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